I first met Chennie six years ago, probing it with a finger. The little shrivelled prune of a puppy was no larger than my twelve-year-old palm. The dainty peach ball of soft cushy skin (it did not have much fur yet) was rolled up and asleep in the warmth and safety of its cot.
Of course, my mother and sister’s crazy squealing startled it, and then, it was rolling and crawling on its feet, delicately, but steadily. It was delightfully adorable because its eyes couldn't even open yet! Nose to the ground, exploring its cot, then its cage and our apartment in an inquisitive and self-gratifying manner, it gradually adjusted to its vicinity. Halfway through, two small perfectly round black eyes peeked up at me timidly. Its droopy ears twitched rhythmically to every sound when we made.
Whenever there is a storm, it always manages to sniff us out to cower between our feet, quivering. Maybe all dogs have that phobia of storms? Since their hearing is, last I heard, ten times greater than a human's, thunder must sound like the end of the world, I suppose. Then, it would be ever so hesitant of
leaping up onto the sofa or beds. Turns out it has a fear of heights as well! No matter how we coaxed or dragged her, she would push back with its snout and stick her claws into the bed. We usually give up the endeavour to save the bed!
Now, Chennie, akin to the size of a basketball when curled up, is an incredibly bubbly and bouncy dog. She is also the dignified mother of two puppies, one of which, unfortunately, died during birth, and the other given to friends. She still runs in fright from a storm, but she has curbed her 'puppyhood' fear of heights. A lot stronger now, she sneaks up onto our beds, and lies beside us all through the night!
Round things have become a plaything of sorts, for some reason. She regards any of those as a 'stimulant' to play fetch with. Still, her favourite one has got to be the black squash ball we had specially bought for her. However you play fetch is fine with her, so long as you hurl the ball into a running distance.
I remember there was this one time when my parents sent her off to an animal hairdresser for the first time, without my knowledge. So, there I was, awoke on my bed, not seeing her at her usual spot, unable to trace any print of her in the house at all. She'd vanished! When I asked, my parents said they had sold her off, bringing me right onto the brink of tears! But I put on a stoic front, went to my room and started reminiscing every happy and sad moment I had had with her, until all my feelings and memories opened the floodgates to watery streams from my eyes. Mom and Dad quickly yielded when they found out how serious the situation was, lol! Yeah, I got trolled bad.
Truly, Chennie is the best pet I have ever had, after two rabbits, five hamsters, two birds, and three fish. She is a bona fide member of the family, filling us with fresh episodes of joy, anger and companionship each day. My family may have given her a leash of life, then again, her territorial barks, her terrified whimpers, the glint of playfulness in her bright eyes and prancing paws have also been an unwavering pillar of support. She's the single, biggest, happiest thing of my life -- well, besides the girlfriend -- and an irreplaceable pal.
when did chennie get so big?
No idea, I didn't even realize she'd gotten so big. =P
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